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lua files decrypt - ZenHAX
ZenHAX. I am looking for a way to decrypt an .lua files in cocos2dx game (KOF'98 UM OL). Someone can help me?


Last edited by phamtien on Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:23 pm, edited 8 times in total. These
ZenHAX. I am looking for a way to decrypt an .lua files in cocos2dx game (KOF'98 UM OL). Someone can help me? Last edited by phamtien on Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:23 pm, edited 8 times in total. These are general Lua scripts compiled, they don't look modified at all or protected. Typical tools like UnLuac / LuaDec work fine on them. These are general Lua scripts compiled, they don't look modified at all or protected. Typical tools like UnLuac / LuaDec work fine on them. It seem it works with some general .lua files. But not work on .lua game scripts named by md5 (header start with an md5 code). Here is some script.

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